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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Beauty or Beng?

Yes, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. How true this statement is.
I can never really appreciate the art of 'sprucing' up one's car (sorry mates, dont remember the word for it) when most of the cars that comes originally are already good looking.
So when one of my fren met us with his car and all its 'enhanced' glory recently, I was horrified. While the guys were admiring its curves and new look, caressing it, checking it out at all angles with "Ooohs" and "Aaahhs", I cant help but to snap a pic of this.

Whats ur verdict? Beauty or Beng?

What is that?? To me, this is Beng personified (sorry mate, no hard feelings). With the blue lights (heck, why do u need it shining underneath your car? Can someone tell me why??), additional stuff added to the exterior, change of seats to those racer seats (what do you call that seats again?). The only thing missing was the loud music with the windows wound down..

Try as I might to appreciate the art of this form, I could not. Ya, maybe loads of guys (and gals) would disagree with me, that this car is really good looking now, but hey, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder ;p
So, what's your verdict on this? Beauty or Beng?

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