On the way up to Kintamani (to view the volcano and lake), we passed by loads of fruit trees.
We kept quiet at the beginning, observing the various fruit trees on both sides of the road. It was nearing 1pm when we asked Ketut is we were any where near Kintamani.
Lebih kurang 1 jam lagi, Ketut replied
Lebih kurang 1 jam lagi, Ketut replied
Our stomachs were already protesting, we need to eat something..
Apa tu? Bollywood Queen pointed to her right. We see some small trees with fruits resembling mandarin oranges..
Tu buah jeruk, Ketut replied patiently, as we have been asking him question on Bali for the past 2 hours..
We saw a stall by the road selling fruits and we promptly stopped to do some marketing..hehe
The buah belanda was hard to miss with it's vivid colouring..
All of us wanted to try it so the local quickly cut a fruit for us..
I cant describe the flavour, it's something I've not tasted before. Sweet, sour, tangy..and crunchy, as we are to eat it with the seeds, this local fruit was erm, different. Not one of my favourite though..
I prefer buah markisa, which tasted something like passion fruit..
Eaten again, with the seeds; the first taste that hits you is sweetness, followed by sourness....
The funny thing is, if you choose eat the fruit without the seeds, it's actually really sour. But if you chew it with the crunchy seeds, it somehow neutralises the sourness and it tasted just fine. And no worries about the seed; it dont have the raw, green taste. It tasted something like sunflower seeds, but crunchier..
My friend said that we can find buah markisa in Msia, have you bought it before?
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