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Sunday, November 2, 2008

A question to food bloggers...

I met up with an acquaintance at a recent party.
While I was busy snapping away food pictures, I got a casual remark
Oh, I see you are a food blogger too?
I merely smiled and nodded, while I continued taking pictures..
I knew his family ran a few famous food establishments, in fact, some of us food bloggers have written about their restaurants before.
And the next question came from him
Have you ever seek the restaurant's approval before you take any of their food pictures?
You don't find it rude for not doing so?
To be honest, I was rather taken aback. I understand that coming from his view, he is more defensive as food blogging may be for or against his family business; and they are rather defenseless in this sense. It's good news if the write up is good, heck, it's free advertising for them in the blog sphere; but am sure they will not be thrilled if we had bad experiences instead.
I am so used to my way of walking into a restaurant/ stall/ shop, order my food, snap the pictures and write. It's almost second nature to me now. I never preempted any of the food joints I go for as I do not want any 'special treatment'. My close friends knows that I use my food blog as my own food diary and references in the future.
But somehow, his comments got me thinking.
Is my way of recording my actual food experiences and sharing in the blog sphere wrong?
So my food blogger friends, what do you think is a proper protocol of a food blogger then?

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